Maybe you find yourself stuck in old patterns that no longer serve you, yet you inexplicably find yourself repeating them and feel powerless to change your behavior.

Or maybe you struggle to let go of past mistakes and meet yourself with forgiveness. Or maybe you identify as a “seeker” and aren’t necessarily sure what you’re seeking, but you know that you haven’t found it yet.

You want to better understand yourself and your life.

And be able to meet that understanding with genuine love and acceptance. To grow and change and be able to access the strengths and talents already within you.

You want to feel that connection to something bigger than yourself.

And if you are willing to be vulnerable, to try something new, and remain open to what is possible, you will be able to see the experience of being human through a new lens.

Using the wisdom of the Enneagram, and me as your guide.

The Enneagram gave me the tools to live my life from a place of courage.

This feels remarkable to say because for many years I made my decisions from a place of fear and safety.

From an early age I felt different, misunderstood and unseen. 

I developed negative patterns that I have worked hard to overcome —  including overworking, perfectionism, people pleasing, codependency and alcohol misuse.

When the Enneagram crossed my path, I felt a deep calling in my gut to pursue it. This marked a new chapter in my life. 

I began to see what was possible when I didn’t operate from a place of fear.

The Enneagram has helped me become grounded in who I am and has given me the confidence to shine my own unique light on the world.

My training, coupled with my own journey of self-exploration, growth, and healing has allowed me to create, offer and hold a safe space for you to vulnerably begin to explore your true nature. 

I am a huge fan of quotes and a collector of words, so I will leave you with this for now:

“Have the courage to follow your heart and your intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become.” - Mateusz M.